Monday, March 2, 2009


Mascarpone Cheese 500克
忌廉 250 毫升
蛋黃 4 隻
蛋白 4 隻
魚膠粉 2 湯匙
水 80 毫升
細砂糖 1/2 杯 (即100 克)
手指餅 (Lady fingers) 8 條
濃黑咖啡 (室溫espresso) 100 毫升
Aramatto 酒 (意大利杏仁酒) 5茶匙
雲呢拿香油 1茶匙
冇糖可可粉 適量

1. 先準備濃黑咖啡,待涼。用80 毫升水開魚膠粉,座入熱水待溶。忌廉打至企身,備用。用另一個攪拌盆把蛋白打至企身,備用。

2. 蛋黃加砂糖用電動打蛋器打至忌廉狀,拌入Mascarpone 芝士混合,加雲呢拿香油 、魚膠粉溶液攪勻。將蛋白 分次伴入。再將忌廉次伴入芝士混合物。

3. 將咖啡和Aramatto 料混合在容器內,加一1茶匙糖(份量外),將手指餅獨一條一條快快放在容器內沾上咖啡液, 排入在(已鋪保鮮紙)蛋糕模底上。

4. 倒入芝士混合物,用刮刀刮平蛋糕面,放入雪櫃中雪至凝固,取出最後洒上可可粉,用暖毛巾包蛋糕模令蛋糕容易托出,即成 ,如要帶,可圍上透明蛋糕圍帶,十足+大酒店產品。

Sunday, November 23, 2008



1. 糯米粉、粘米粉、吉士粉、篩過拌勻。
2. 糖、油、椰漿、水用細煲煮滾。
3. 倒入混合粉,快手拌勻(太慢會拌唔勻),攪至成粉糰。
4. 倒入大碟中,蒸15-20分鍾,用筷子試吓。
5. 用水座涼,載上膠手套,將粉糰放在膠墊上,切成一份份。

6. 芒果切粒,將粉糰攤開,包上芒果餡,再沾滿椰絲,放於紙模上。

愛心提示: 雪凍口味更佳。要快手包餡,太慢會好難埋口.

Monday, November 17, 2008


合桃        120g
清水        5杯
深色片糖      2片
粘米粉       3湯匙


另起鍋加入2 1/2 的清水將片糖煮溶。
另外的 1/2 杯清水,加入粘米粉拌勻。




2.將4公升水加進煲內,隨即加入雪梨 (如果在水滾後才加雪梨,味道會變酸),當水滾後,加入其餘材料,用大火煲至翻滾,轉中火煲半小時,再用慢火煲一小時。


Ang Koo Kueh

Ang Koo Kueh Filling Ingredient:
1. 350 g green peas (soaked for 5 hours, drained and skin peeled)
2. 320 g sugar
3. 750 g glutinous rice/pulut (soaked overnight and ground)
4. 2 tbsp cornflour
5. a dash of red colouring
6. cooking oil (for coating)
7. banana leaves

Ang Koo Kueh Method Step By Step:
1. To prepare filling: Steam green peas for 1 hour; mash peas finely. Mix with sugar and dry-fry -in pan over low heat until almost dry.

2. Drain glutinous rice and grind finely. Put rice into a cheese cloth and squeeze out water.

3. Mix the ground rice, cornflour and red colouring. Knead mixture into a dough.

4. Divide the dough into ang koo moulds and place 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of the filling.

5. Top the filling with some dough. Repeat process till all dough is used up.

6. Steam kuih for 10 minutes. Remove from steamer and brush kuih with a little oil.

7. Transfer to a serving plate. Cool kuih before serving.
Serves 20

Curry Puff

Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Fried Curry Puffs Filling Ingredient:
1. 1 Bombay onion (finely sliced)
2. 5 tbsp oil
3. 400 g boneless chicken (cut into pieces)
4. 300 g potatoes (peeled & chopped)
5. 100 ml water
6. 250 g mixed vegetables
7. ½ tsp salt
8. 3 tbsp curry powder
9. 50 g coriander leaves/daun ketumbar (finely chopped)

Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Fried Curry Puffs Pastry Ingredient:
1. 450 g plain flour (sifted)
2. 220 g butter
3. 180 ml cold water
4. oil for deep-frying

Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Fried Curry Puffs Method Step By Step:
1. To prepare filling: Fry the sliced onions in oil till brown. Add in the chicken pieces and potatoes. Stir well and pour in water. Simmer for 20 minutes. Add in mixed vegetables, salt and curry powder. Cook for 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Allow filling to cool. Then, add in chopped coriander leaves.

2. To prepare pastry: Combine butter and flour till mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Gradually pour in cold water; knead until a soft dough has formed.

3. Roll out the dough and cut out 10 cm. circles.

4. Place 3 teaspoonfuls chicken curry filling in the centre of the pastry.

5. Wet the sides of the pastry with a little water, then fold together. Press the edges to seal pastry.

6. Heat up oil and deep-fry curry puffs till golden brown. Remove and drain well.

7. Transfer to a serving plate. Serve curry puffs warm or cold.


Kueh-Tarts (Pineapple Tarts) Skin Ingredients:
1. Butter 300 g
2. Flour 600 g
3. Egg 3

Kueh-Tarts (Pineapple Tarts) Filling Ingredients:
1. Pineapple (about 2500g) 3 pcs depend on the sizes.
2. Sugar 300 g
3. Cinnamon stick a little

Kueh-Tarts (Pineapple Tarts) Ways of Cooking Filling:
1. Mash pineapples and cook in saucepan till boil.
2. Add sugar and cinnamon stick.
3. Keep stirring till mixture becomes dry and brown about 2 hrs plus.

Kueh-Tarts (Pineapple Tarts) Baking Method

1. Beat butter and egg in mixer well.
2. Sift flour into butter and egg mix. Mix well to form a dough.
3. Paste 2 plastic stript about 0.6cm thick on the table where roll the dough.
4. This method will help you get an even thickness of roll out dough.
5. Use a mold cutter to mold the dough into require shape.
6. Place it on baking tray. Let it set for a while before you decorate eadge of the molded dough.
7. Top with pineapple filling, and make crosses with dough to place on top of tarts.
8. Brush with beaten egg.
9. Bake for 15 mins at 180C depand on oven